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  • 2025-01-17
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小故事,大道理,这是寓言故事的魅力。通过阅读寓言故事,启迪思考,探究哲理,品味人生。伊索寓言是全球流传最广,影响最大的寓言故事。不同的翻译,不同的编辑,用不同的文字讲述同一个故事。 我们一起来读一读八种不同版本的“狐狸和葡萄”吧。




不同的翻译,不同的编辑,用不同的文字讲述同一个故事 阅读不同版本的故事,欣赏不同文字的魅力,我们一起来读一读八种不同版本的“狐狸和葡萄”吧。

(点开语音听一听)A hungry Fox saw some fine bunches of Grapes hanging from a vine that was trained along a high trellis, and did his best to reach them by jumping as high as he could into the air. But it was all in vain, for they were just out of reach: so he gave up trying, and walked away with an air of dignity and unconcern, remarking, "I thought those Grapes were ripe, but I see now they are quite sour."


This Fox has a longing for grapes,He jumps, but the bunch still escapes.So he goes away sour;And, ’tis said, to this hour

Declares that he’s no taste for grapes.The grapes of disappointment are always sour.吃不到的葡萄都是酸的这首五行诗可能是“狐狸和葡萄”最雅的版本。

诗中的sour,可谓一举三得第一,sour和hour押韵;第二,在这里sour是“闷闷不乐”“很不开心”的意思,体现出了狐狸吃不到葡萄的心情第三,在写寓意的句子中也用了sour, 两个sour有着微妙的联系。

A fox tries to get grapes to eat but cannot. The fox goes away in disgust saying he didn’t want them anyhow. 

It is easy to despise what you cannot get.得不到你,我就鄙视你!这是可能是最短小的“狐狸和葡萄”的故事, 作者给出了其中的寓意,就像精神胜利法那样,得不到的东西,鄙视它,骂它几句不难吧!

Aesop for ChildrenA Fox one day spied a beautiful bunch of ripe grapes hanging from a vine trained along the branches of a tree. The grapes seemed ready to burst with juice, and the Fox’s mouth watered as he gazed longingly at them.

The bunch hung from a high branch, and the Fox had to jump for it. The first time he jumped he missed it by a long way. So he walked off a short distance and took a running leap at it, only to fall short once more. Again and again he tried, but in vain.

Now he sat down and looked at the grapes in disgust.“What a fool I am,” he said. “Here I am wearing myself out to get a bunch of sour grapes that are not worth gaping for.”

And off he walked very, very scornfully.There are many who pretend to despise and belittle that which is beyond their reach.


”a beautiful bunch of ripe grapesThe grapes seemed ready to burst with juice, and the Foxs mouth watered as he gazed longingly at them.

Again and again he tried, but in vain.What a fool I am!这些优美的词句都是值得学习和模仿的好东西。

One hot summer’s day a Fox was strolling through an orchard till he came to a bunch of Grapes just ripening on a vine which had been trained over a lofty branch. “Just the thing to quench my thirst,” quoth he. Drawing back a few paces, he took a run and a jump, and just missed the bunch. Turning round again with a One, Two, Three, he jumped up, but with no greater success. Again and again he tried after the tempting morsel, but at last had to give it up, and walked away with his nose in the air, saying: “I am sure they are sour.”

A Fox, very hungry, chanced to come into a vineyard, where there hung branches of charming ripe Grapes: but nailed up to a trellis so high, that he leaped till he quite tired himself, without being able to reach one of them. At last, Let who will take them! says he; they are but green and sour; so I’ll even let them alone.

A hungry Fox saw some fine bunches of Grapes hanging from a vine that was trained along a high trellis, and did his best to reach them by jumping as high as he could into the air. But it was all in vain, for they were just out of reach: so he gave up trying, and walked away with an air of dignity and unconcern, remarking, “I thought those Grapes were ripe, but I see now they are quite sour.”

A famished fox saw some clusters of ripe black grapes hanging from a trellised vine. She resorted to all her tricks to get at them, but wearied herself in vain, for she could not reach them. At last she turned away, hiding her disappointment and saying: “The Grapes are sour, and not ripe as I thought.”



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